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Projekty ue
Projekty ue
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DEZAMET Metal Works S.A.


The company is part of the Polish Armaments Group. For many years, it has specialized especially in military production. The product range for defense purposes includes primarily various types of artillery, mortar and grenade launcher ammunition.


Additionally, the company provides services and sales in the field of civil production and metal processing, and also has a measurement and research laboratory.


The company is the winner of many awards, including the prestigious Defender award, awarded during the International Defense Industry Exhibition.


Ownership structure


Data on the ownership structure of the share capital

Procentage share of share capital
Mesko S.A. 73,9%
PGE Obrót S.A. 2,6%
Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. 0,5%
Bydgoskie Zakłady Elektroniczne „BELMA" S.A 0,2%
Minority shareholders 22,8%
SUMA 100,0%