On 6 July 2022 Zakłady Metalowe Dezamet S.A. and the Polish Armament Agency entered into agreement for further delivery of 60 mm mortar rounds with O-LM60 HE projectile, S-LM60 illuminating projectile and 40 x 46 mm NGC-N practice rounds. Our company is scheduled to deliver a few dozen thousand pieces of ammunition in total under the two agreements


60 mm mortar round with HE projectile is designed to destroy combat manpower, means of destruction, command and control units, unarmoured military equipment and light field fortifications. 60 mm mortar round with illuminating projectile is designed to illuminate area near target and enemy objects and units with one or several projectiles. NGC-N rounds are used to train soldiers on the use of 40 mm grenade launcher and 40 mm ammunition for grenade launcher. Flash-bang function is initiated upon projectile impacting obstacle or field, which allows for the assessment of firing results.


The assortment ordered by the Polish Armament Agency will be used to train the Polish Territorial Defence Force with regard to handling 60 mm mortars and 40 mm grenade launchers.